WordPress Wednesday: 3 Critical Details For Your Website Theme

Welcome to WordPress Wednesdays, a weekly series where we will be focusing on a specific aspect of WordPress that we think administrators should be aware of. Today we address website themes and why you should care about them for your installation of WordPress.

One of the first things that visitors to your website will see when they come to your website is the design. Look and feel for your website are important because it dictates the experience that visitors will have, and the sooner they can get to your content and consume the value you’re putting out there, the sooner your content will be shared with others.

With WordPress, conquering the challenge of look and feel is fairly easy with themes. You can install themes right from the administrative console and do a search through their database for ones that you may want for your website. If the theme you want does not exist, can code and upload your own as well. If neither of those two options work, you can go to many different websites around the Internet which crowd source themes you can purchase as well.

In today’s edition of WordPress Wednesday, we’ll cover themes and the common questions for why this small detail is a much bigger deal than it really is.


What’s New In Windows Server 2012

What’s New In Windows Server 2012

In the past week, we’ve written about the transition from Windows Server 2003 to Windows Server 2008 and 2012, and what IT professionals need to do in order to make the transition seamless before Microsoft cuts off all support on July 14, 2015. Myhosting.com plans to be available to its customers in support as this transition happens as well.

While our last few blog posts have focused on process and the how-to, we haven’t quite yet spent time on what exactly IT professionals will experience once they see the transition. After all, new technology makes us excited like kids on Christmas morning, and if you’re reading this, you probably feel the same way. In this blog post, we’ll look at the top 5 new features in Windows Server 2012 that you can look forward to once you make the transition. We think you should sit down because it’s a pretty exciting list of items.
