Selecting a web hosting provider was difficult back when the web was new. Nowadays with so many services and review websites, finding a provider is easier than ever. However, many of these reviews only cover shared hosting services, which is just a small slice of the web development pie. For those who want to explore how a virtual private server, or VPS server, can help, reviews are more difficult to come by.

You might be asking, what is a VPS server? A VPS server is a virtualized server which mimics a dedicated server within a shared hosting environment. It’s different from dedicated and shared hosting because it optimizes for high traffic, quickens recovery times in case of a crash or security breach, provides more opportunity to customize server applications, as well as dedicated resources so you can utilize everything you need for your website at any given time without worry that someone else needs it to.

The next question you might be asking is how to find good VPS hosting, especially with reviews far and few in between. In today’s blog post, we’ll look at four key characteristics to look for when choosing a VPS for your business.

1. Company Support and Reliability

The first quality of a good VPS provider is their support and reliability. With regards to support, it’s important to consider if the provider has good customer service ratings and is reachable through email, chat, or a phone call, since fixing a VPS server on your own can prove to be quite difficult, especially if you are new. With regards to reliability, note the provider’s uptime and cost. Many providers market their provider as lower cost but this is not always the case.

2. Managed or Unmanaged VPS

One of the main classifications among VPS servers is managed or unmanaged services. For managed services, the hosting provider will be there to take care of any technical issues and you can use the service much like a shared web hosting control panel. Unmanaged services on the other hand require a greater level of technical expertise and day-to-day care where you will be required to manage upkeep and install the applications yourself.

3. User Interface of Control Panel

Once you’ve chosen your flavor of VPS server, it’s time to check out the user interface of the control panel. The user experience of the control panel can determine how usable the product is, since you don’t want to be searching for features instead of using them, no matter what your expertise is. We think that technology shouldn’t be so confusing.

4. Resource Requirements

Finally, understanding your web resources is important when choosing a VPS server. It’s important to have an estimation of what exactly you’ll be using so you don’t end up paying too much for what you don’t use. For some users, it might be a better choice to stick with shared hosting.

What’s Next?

If you know what you’re looking for in a VPS server, check out what we have to offer With VPS Hosting starting from $15.95 per month, you are sure to find what you need to run your web property. Additionally, we also have 24/7 expert support and backup and support services alongside a guarantee of top notch performance and data centers supporting our VPS servers.

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