by Aurelien Parment | May 13, 2015 | Small Business, Tips
As organic reach on Facebook for brand pages dip to all-time lows and social media as a whole becomes more and more noisy, business owners and those with personal brands are looking for more effective ways to reach their audiences. When there are so many options out there and already so much to do, what is a time-strapped person to do?
Turn to an old reliable: the mailing list.
Thankfully, we’re not just talking about physical mailing lists that involve printing and sending out fliers but also email mailing lists as well, which have grown in interest over the past few years due to the fact it’s one of the last few elements of an audience that a business owner or brand can own since social media posts don’t always hit their intended audiences.
As a business owner you might be new to the world of email lists. In this blog post, we’ll talk about what email lists are, why they are important, and how you can use them within your WordPress installation to grow your list.
Let’s go!
by Aurelien Parment | May 12, 2015 | Small Business, Tips
In today’s technology-rich world, people and their businesses are expected to be on all the time. Whether it’s being available on social media or having a constantly updated website, having available and accessible media is the desire of many, especially for those looking for a momentary distraction.
For websites that are run by individuals and sole proprietors, the desire is certainly there to let a website sit upon publish. For those especially where web development and design may not be a strength, just being able to place content, ensure that all the tags close, and call it a day can be an achievement in itself.
Suffice to say – it’s unfortunately not enough.
In today’s blog post we’ll look at why a website should always be a “work in progress”, and why a true website should never be complete.
1. Search Engine Indexing Matters
The process in which search engines catalog and categorize websites is the science of indexing, which is what Google has become known for. Until Google gets around to indexing your website, it’s not going to show up in search results, and neglecting the updating process of your website means that any search engine finding it is only going to take longer.
by Aurelien Parment | May 7, 2015 | Small Business
According to Gartner, the global Cloud SMB market average compound annual growth rate (CAGR) between 2013-2016 will average out to be about 26%. With small business as a whole growing 32% year over year, the opportunity for small businesses to thrive is bigger than ever as well as the ability to compete against multi-national giants.
You might be one of those small business owners reading this blog right now who wonders exactly how they can compete with large companies. After all, you may lack the PR, marketing, and financial muscle that large companies have enjoyed for years, and unlike them, aren’t able to launch a product with ease or create huge marketing traction. However, with the growing power of cloud and web technology being easier to obtain than ever, you too can be like a Fortune 500 – without taking on the weight and pressure of being one.
In today’s blog post, we’ll look at how SMBs can compete with large companies and thrive to become best-in-class. Stick around – we’ve got some pretty good nuggets for you.
by Aurelien Parment | May 6, 2015 | Tips
Welcome to WordPress Wednesdays, a weekly series where we will be focusing on a specific aspect of WordPress that we think administrators should be aware of. Today we address website themes and why you should care about them for your installation of WordPress.
One of the first things that visitors to your website will see when they come to your website is the design. Look and feel for your website are important because it dictates the experience that visitors will have, and the sooner they can get to your content and consume the value you’re putting out there, the sooner your content will be shared with others.
With WordPress, conquering the challenge of look and feel is fairly easy with themes. You can install themes right from the administrative console and do a search through their database for ones that you may want for your website. If the theme you want does not exist, can code and upload your own as well. If neither of those two options work, you can go to many different websites around the Internet which crowd source themes you can purchase as well.
In today’s edition of WordPress Wednesday, we’ll cover themes and the common questions for why this small detail is a much bigger deal than it really is.