Telling a story is a very unique and special part of running a business. When done right, a story can move an audience, whether it’s sharing a vision for a better world to launching a new product.

For many years, businesses have told their story using Microsoft PowerPoint. As business people, we’ve gotten used to the transitions, clip art, and hundreds of slides that some presenters choose to get their point across.

If you’re one of those who has had to sit through a boring PowerPoint presentation, fear no more. Microsoft’s launch of Sway changes the paradigm and adds a deeper layer of design, intuition, and creativity never seen before. In today’s blog post, we’ll look at 3 reasons why the technologically savvy business owner should consider using Sway to take their presentations to the next level.

Sway is Intuitive

Design is more important than ever when designing an application. Those who use Sway will notice the intuitive nature of the application and how everything just fits together. When Microsoft designed the application, they integrated intuition on purpose, giving end users the ability to edit, preview, and collect content from external pages like Flickr and YouTube right into their Sway canvas.
For the small business owner, this is a boon for creativity. Instead of having to seek someone out to create a video or develop a website, content can be created in mere minutes, so ideas stay fresh and the message gets to market quicker.

Sway is Mobile

In the modern era, mobility matters as well as design. Luckily, Sway is available for both mobile phones and tablets running Android and Apple iOS. For those who may run businesses remotely, capturing memories as they happen can be very powerful, especially when sharing for an external audience. More authentic stories can be created, allowing customers to connect to the why and the what.

Sway is Data-Driven

For the data-driven storyteller, Sway has you covered too. Presentation designers can tell their stories by inserting graphs, pie charts, alongside the interactivity of the application, making the presentation as a whole more exciting.

Get Sway today and check out what else Microsoft has to offer!

If you’re looking to give your organization a jump start, check out Sway on your mobile device’s app store, and see what has to offer in the all-new Marketplace. From productivity applications like Office 365 to design tools like Visio Pro, we have everything you need for your business needs.

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